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Métaphore des slow disasters, l’installation « Quand » de Valentina Perazzini est la chronique d’une catastrophe annoncée. Héritiers d’une civilisation qui n’a que trop malmené la nature, des ballons gonflés à l’hélium et en quête d’évasion sont rattrapés par un plafond qui les voue à un destin inéluctable. Lorsque fatigués, ils amorceront leur inexorable descente, ils rencontreront ce que la nature aura bien voulu leur laisser : une rangée de cactus.

Est-ce seulement l’histoire d’une lente agonie ? La description d’un lendemain de fête, où les ballons dégonflés de la veille jonchent le sol en ne retenant plus dans leur baudruche que de la mélancolie ? Ou est-ce, au contraire, l’histoire d’une transformation du monde lorsque les ballons, transpercés par les épines, recréeront avec les plantes qui leur étaient hostiles, un équilibre où se mêlent hasard et héritage ?

En résonance avec la situation sanitaire et politique actuelle, « Quand », autrefois interrogatif, titille l’interface entre le réel et la fiction, et s’insinue dans les interstices entre conscient et inconscient. Valentina, artiste pluridisciplinaire qui nourrit sa quête du monde des lettres et de la nature, propose une nouvelle pièce sur le thème de l’impossibilité de la rencontre véritable et de sa sublimation.

Les cactus, loués dans la ville de Liège, rendent compte de la relation ambiguë que l’homme entretient avec son environnement.  Entre protection et réification…

Christophe Depaus

Metaphor of the slow disasters, Valentina Perazzini’s installation Quand is the chronicle of a disaster foretold. Heirs of a civilization that mistreated nature way too much, helium-filled balloons seeking escape are recaptured by a ceiling that vows them to an ineluctable destiny. Once tired, they will initiate their ineluctable descent, they will encounter what nature left behind for them : a row of cactus.

Is it only the story of a slow agony ? The description of a day after a party, in which deflated balloons of the day before cover the floor only retaining melancholy inside their rubber skin ? Or on the contrary is it the story of a transformation of the world when the balloons, pierced by thorns, will recreate alongside the plants that hated them a balance where fate and heritage mingle ?

In resonance with the current sanitary and political situation, Quand, once interrogative, titillates the interface between reality and fiction, and creeps into the cracks between conscious and unconscious. Valentina Perazzini is a multidisciplinary artist who feeds her quest for the world of literature and nature. She presents a new piece on the theme of the impossibility of the true encounter and its sublimation.

The cactus, rented in Liege, account for the ambiguous connection between mankind and its environment. Between protection and reification…

The Habit of a Foreign Sky

The second-floor apartment incarnates, in a play of geometric pattern and out of con­trol components, the growth, evolution and allocation of elements of nature, defining a geometric status of landscape composition. Valentina Perazzini, through interven­tions on the wall and on the floor, trough some homages to the pre-existing clay decorations and even through contributions inspired by the visible electric system, evokes her own search for cataloging and ordering the vital component. The intent is to arrive at the origin of multiple observations en plein air. Causes of photographic incursions and mathematical models of plant components.
Through the repetition of patterns and structural motifs, the walls reflect the need for a perspective cage able to guide a non-linear gait for the visitor. A spectator wrapped and dragged inside the backdrops that recall the plumbing of the ancient botanical greenhouses, of gardens which have disappeared. Chisels between collages impos­sible to distinguish from the sum of their parts, as well as parrot feathers inserted in the interstices of the pipes, or projections filtered by decorative plants, give back to the rooms the tensions of forces of nature tamed by marks. No human presence seems to have survived the passage of environmental reticulates which, in repelling the gaze, shape it and hypnotize it; capturing the inability to register the contingency of a non-compliant ecosystem. A non-mimetic habitat that probably, in a distant fu­ture or in an earlier past, has forever alienated man.

The artist recalls an etymological origin of the word habitare, surrounding herself with an environment within which a species, animal or vegetable, lives, determined by all the factors that characterize it. The habitat of the apartment attests the overlap­ping of the natural and urban space, intertwining, cooperating, adding or eliminating their effects to the changing of time. Living itself conditions, animates, lives these two phenomena: also ascribable to a biological phenomenon, it owes its existence to the link with nature and undergoes its modalities; yet, as an agent of this triple relation­ship and trait d’union of the two universes, Valentina Perazzini’s interventions place themselves in a position of autonomy and superiority over other animals, claiming for themselves the name of man. Entity that allows an indirect link with the natural forces, to overcome the fear of their unpredictability. Having demonstrated its supe­riority over internalized biology, the artist in FuturDome launches a new challenge to itself: the new goal of action becomes the ability to reflect on the signs of the place, giving life to a system that transcends territoriality.

Ginevra Bria

© 2022 Valentina Perazzini

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